
Kids Need More Art is a teacher-created, advocacy-based children’s art studio offering classes, camps, programs, and more in our full-time studio in Juno Beach, and during the summer at the Pine Jog Environmental Education Center in West Palm Beach.  Our programs are taught by Palm Beach County certified art teachers who are not only passionate about what they do, but are true advocates for the Visual Arts in our schools.  Our evolving art curriculums are designed to be fun and engaging, while combining discipline-based art education (art production, art criticism, art history, and aesthetics) with real-life, academic connections.  We challenge children to open their eyes and see the world in new ways and ask that they channel that information through the Visual Arts, all while keeping environmental sustainability as a guiding principle of our programs.  Our goal is that every child come to love and appreciate the creative process and find self-worth and fulfillment through each student-created masterpiece.  Our mission is a work in progress just like every brilliant piece of art and every magnificent child.  Welcome!